Welcome to the world of ARK ONE

ARK ONE is a technology oriented network that covers the complete spectrum of a relocation. The combination of technology and human touch makes us unique.

Relocation, immigration, taxes: ARK ONE provides it all.

Who We Are

We are a team of professionals who seek to simplify the challenges of global mobility for individuals and businesses.

With our experience, combined with intuitive technology, passion and enthusiasm for the job, we ensure that relocation becomes an experience and a smooth journey.

Companies which are using ARK ONE


Customer Focus

Customers are our #1 priority and we hand hold them for each service they book with us.

Innovative Ideas

Based on our daily experience, we are constantly developing new ideas and improved processes, which we implement in ARK ONE to provide the best possible relocation service.

HR Centric

We understand the juggle in global mobility teams and try to simplify it with ARK ONE.


Customised Packages

Powerful Mobile Apps

HR Dashboard

Allowance Management

Statistics and Reports

Social Feed


ARK ONE works with several providers from different sectors to offer its clients a unique relocation experience.

We work with selected partners to provide our customers with a variety of services to make life easier in their new home. We aim to deliver the most outstanding customer experience within the relocation industry. If you provide services that complement our offering, we would love to have you as a partner to take relocation to the next level. Reach out to us today and start your journey with the ReloTech startup that aspires to move the world.

We aim to make ARK ONE a single stop solution for all Global Mobility needs. To facilitate this, we have integrated ARK ONE with some productivity tools which make things easier for the HR and GM teams. Our software is flexible enough to be integrated with your current HRM tool.

The ARK ONE app is available for iOS and Android devices.


Build your customized packages by choosing only services you need.


The App will inform you of your current status of your relocation process at any time.


Communicate with your coordinator and discuss issues and ideas whenever, wherever.


Book and pay hassle-free via the app only after the services are complete.


Get connected with people in your area and make new friends


Our client receives a handholding service through the Consultant.



Everything you need to know about your new environment in just one visit.


An easy move in should be followed by an easy immigration.


Let your consultant take care of the public authorities process for you.


Let yourself be guided through all finishing processes to complete your move.


We will guide you through the steps of settling in your children.


An easy move in should be followed by an easy move out.


Your consultant will accompany you through the process of finding a place to stay.


We will guide you understand the tax system.


Affordable packages for everyone


  • Remote support


  • Preparation of services
  • On-site accompaniment


  • Large service spectrum
  • Preparation of services
  • Pick-up and drop-off
  • On-site accompaniment


  • Upon Request


What they are saying about us

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Sara Wilsson


Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

Matt Brandon


Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.

John Larson


Our Partners


Contact Us

Noah Mobility GmbH

Hildegardstr. 8,
80539 München, Germany

Noah Mobility LLC

c/o Hochlenert & Waeldner LLP,
99 Wall Street, Suite 1295,
New York, NY 10005

Call us

+49 89 2000 7952 0

Email Us


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