Together We Can!

ARK ONE combines intuitive technology with flexible pricing models and personal assistance to offer a first-class customer experience.We want our customers to be able to make their move simple, fast and individually. In this context, they can rely on our strong partner network, which offers a wide range of services for people relocating. Whether the moving persons need health insurance company, bank, midwife or tax advisor – ARK ONE offers the all-round carefree package through its partners. Become a partner and help us redefine relocation.

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Our Partners

Why Ark One?

Ark One aims to create opportunities for all parties involved. We provide you with access to new customers and give you the ability to offer services at the perfect moment of the customer journey: exactly when they are needed. We assist you with a simple and straightforward on-boarding process.

How to become a partner?

We work with selected partners to provide our customers with a variety of services to make life easier in their new home. Would you like to join our mission to deliver the most outstanding customer experience within the relocation industry? Just send us an email and we will get back to you right away.

What are you waiting for?

Do you provide services that complement our offering? We would love to have you as a partner to take relocation to the next level. Reach out to us today and start your journey with the ReloTech startup that aspires to move the world.